Pilots tend to think, that mechanics can’t fly. Last week, my brother and helping hand Nico proved the opposite. In his Ventus cxM D-KNGS he fly over a thousand (yes, 1.000) kilometers from Celle to the Mecklenburg Lake District and on to Poland. After a little more than 10 hours of continuous soaring, he returned to Celle. Continue reading

What is “Discovering Eagle” all about?
The “Discovering Eagle” project has been invented by Florian Meissner as means of documenting and sharing his love for aviation and traveling. He likes to share what he experiences and hurdles he has to take to fly his airplane to far of destinations and meet new people.
While traveling all over Europe the main goal of “Discovering Eagle” is to brand a journey one will do only once in a lifetime. In the footsteps of well-known aviators like Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Elli Beinhorn and Michael Grzimek he plans on not just fly to Africa, but even surround it!
On this website we like to document the planning process for such a feat and what Florian does in the meantime to prepare himself.
Since a project of the magnitude surely requires lots of money, please feel free to check out hour you can support us.

Flyin Diepholz 2019
The Plan…
Last weekend my flying club had planned a day trip to the Diepholz Airbase Flyin 2019. Unfortunately the day didn’t start well as we met at our home field Celle-Arloh in pouring rain.
So, somebody brewed coffee and we sad in the clubhouse to wait for a clearing in the weather. Continue reading

British Isles 2019
How do you deal with the Brexit?
Since the dawn of time, the people of the British Isles have been a little different from Continental Europe. And today, in times of Brexit, it becomes even more clear.
But what does this mean for travel? According to the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, there will be no implications until October 2019 at least. Furthermore there are statements coming from the UK government to allow EU-like travel well into 2020. Continue reading

Around Africa
What? Why? How?
A while ago I talked to an old colleague that life sucks and I am not happy how things are. His answer was quite a good one: “Well, if you do not like your life at the moment, change it! Many people complain about how bad their job is or how little money they have. But very few do have the courage to step out of their usual environment and change their lives!” Continue reading

Visiting German Army Airbase Celle-Wietzenbruch
Organized by members of the “Flugsportvereinigung Celle“, we got chance to visit the control tower at the nearby Airbase of the German Army in Celle-Wietzenbruch (ETHC) last Wednesday. Continue reading
Snow Flight 01/28/17
Hey folks,
It’s been a while since the last activity in the blog. But as I figured out how to use my GOPRO’s I took chance of the latest snow fall here in northern Germany to take 90B up for a flight over that winter wonder land.
Because it will be my fist flight on a snow covered runway watch how I try to figure out, how the airplane reacts. As I can say, my biggest fear was to sink in so deep that the planes would nose over.
Enjoy the video and keep three green!
New copilot

Florian and Hugo inside N1990b’s cockpit.
During the bad weather season of last winter I got myself a new copilot. Hugo a 6 year old dog I adopted from the animal shelter joined me for his first flight in an airplane ever. After getting used to the noise he seemed to enjoy the ride. As a first trip we did a a 20 minute flight around our home town Celle.
Let keep looking forward to our next adventure while the weather is improving…
Meet an other Luscombe at Uetersen/Heist

NC5096X behind N1990B at Uetersen/Heist EDHE
On April 19th 2015 I flew 90B to Uetersen/Heist (EDHE) near the mouth of the river Elbe to meet Juergen Pfeifer, one of only two other Luscombe owners in Germany. My copilot this day was my Mom and co-owner.