Tag Archives: Clacton-on-Seas

Day 2: Clacton – Duxford – Currock Hill

Rude awakening in Clacton

Quite early in the morning we were woken up by a lot of cars that seemed to drive around the airfield. But after looking out of the tent we discovered that a flea market war set up right next door.

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Union Jack

British Isles 2019

How do you deal with the Brexit?

Since the dawn of time, the people of the British Isles have been a little different from Continental Europe. And today, in times of Brexit, it becomes even more clear.

But what does this mean for travel? According to the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, there will be no implications until October 2019 at least. Furthermore there are statements coming from the UK government to allow EU-like travel well into 2020. Continue reading