Tag Archives: Mont St Michel

Day 4 and 5: Avranches to Guiscriffe Scaer

Avranches was such a nice place that Hugo and I decided to stay a little longer. And it was worth it. Besides swimming in the Baie du Mont St. Michel we met many nice people! Thereunder Micheal from Germany who is flying around in his RV-6. But always comes the time to say goodbye and so this morning we climbed back into 90B and departed runway 21 out the the bay. Continue reading

Day 3: Berck sur Mer – Grandville – Avranches

Berck sur Mer to Grandville

Yesterday was another great day for flying. Almost no clouds in the sky! Just some annoying 20kt headwind…

After breakfast we departed Berck southbound along to coast until Dieppe were we than cut inland and around Le Havre and Deauville. The flight than continued along the cost again along the D-Day landing beaches.

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