Tag Archives: Berck sur Mer

Day 3: Berck sur Mer – Grandville – Avranches

Berck sur Mer to Grandville

Yesterday was another great day for flying. Almost no clouds in the sky! Just some annoying 20kt headwind…

After breakfast we departed Berck southbound along to coast until Dieppe were we than cut inland and around Le Havre and Deauville. The flight than continued along the cost again along the D-Day landing beaches.

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Hugo an I on the Beach at Berck sur Mer

Day 2: Charleville – Berck sur Mer

As we woke up in our tent at Charleville the sun was shining already and it was beautiful flying weather. After breakfast we said goodbye to the Aeroclub of Charleville and departed westbound, destination Berck sur Mer. Berck is actually kind of the GA airport of Le Touquet and definitely closer to the beach. Continue reading